Monday, October 31, 2016

Huma Abedin Knows How to Play Monopoly

Monday October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween everyone. TRICK or TREAT

    If you are a Clinton Supporter or you just hate the idea of a President Trump, you are probably feeling very tricked this Halloween. My guess is, deep down, you wish someone had been able to talk Joe Biden into running. Alas, that is not the case and you're stuck with arguably the most corrupt politician to ever run for office in our country. For her part, Clinton is stuck with a girl named Huma. She created her, she made her powerful, and she helped enrich her beyond belief. But now that closest aid and confidant is the one who holds the whole Clinton World in her hands. Huma Abedin probably saw the writing on the wall a couple of years ago. Why else would she hold onto over 650,000 emails from her life with Clinton, if not to use them as a get out of jail free card with the FBI? It's the only thing that makes sense in this sordid tale.
     Some other things are becoming clearer too. During her time as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton had Huma Abedin as an aid, which is a full time State Department job. At the same time she also employed her, full time, at the Clinton Foundation. On top of those jobs, she was also employed as a consultant for a company named Teneo. If you don't know that name, they were caught on tape by Veritas talking about creating violence at Trump Rallies and schemes for committing voter fraud. So three full time jobs, at the same time. How is that possible? It's not. I wonder if Hillary wishes she had played Monopoly with Huma at least once? Maybe she would have seen how good she was at grabbing the get out of jail free cards. Like Ceasar, Hillary trusted her own Brutus too much.
     Think about this too. 650,000 emails on one computer owned by a person who held three full time jobs at the same time.  Those emails probably represent all the goods the FBI needs to prosecute the Clinton crime family under the RICO statute covering organized crime. Wiki Leaks is making clear there was a lot of influence peddling going on. The defenders keep saying there is no smoking gun but at some point the evidence leaves no other reasonable conclusion. That's key too. In court, you can be convicted by inference. If an average person can believe the crimes have been committed, they can convict. What are some pieces of evidence which would lead to that? Well for one, the King of Morrocco paid 12 million to the Clinton Foundation while at the same time expecting Hillary Clinton to attend an event and give a speech  as a possible Presidential Candidate.The biggest piece though is the personal wealth of the Clintons. How do politicians, who claim to have been broke when they left the White House 15 years ago, become worth over 250 million dollars without some sort of corruption going on. They can't and everyone knows it! A close Bill Clinton aid, Doug Brand, even gave an insight into how that happened in a silver leaked "email". He actually brags about the ways he made Bill Clinton rich by shaking down Clinton Foundation donors for paid speeches. Whether you agree with it or not, it is illegal to engage in those types of practices. Don't worry though, there is a day of reckoning coming. Hopefully it will be next Tuesday but even if she wins, Clinton is in a world of trouble, and not just for her emails.
     Saturday night, on CNN, in an incredible exchange which shocked the host, an ex FBI agent,Tom Fuentes, unabashedly and firmly declared that there is an ongoing, open investigation into the Clinton Foundation. The host was incredulous and tried to get him to back off that assertion but he doubled down instead. She then asks him why that is relevant to the conversation at hand. (If there was ever evidence of media bias, that question was it.) Fuentes then says what the rest of us already could guess. Since Abedin worked for the foundation while at the same time at the State Department, it would make sense that out of 650,000 emails, it is very likely there are some which could pertain to the foundation investigation also. Wow. So this one computer might have evidence is a sexting case, a pay for play case and a mishandling of classified information case. What a lucky break for the FBI and our country.
     It is important to remember, Abedin told the FBI she had turned over all devices containing emails and that she never deletes any. Either she is very stupid for not knowing this laptop had them (650,000 emails), or she was holding them as leverage against the Clintons in case they ever moved against her. After all, there is a history of people surrounding Bill and Hillary Clinton scandals committing "suicide." If that is the case, imagine how devastated she was to find out her husband had turned the laptop over because he is suspected of sexting with a minor. I can only imagine how that conversation went.

     "Um, Danger (Wiener's alias online was Carlos Danger), do you happen to still have that laptop I gave you?"

     "Ah, no Huma, I gave it to the FBI, why?"

    Can't you just imagine what her face looked like when she realized her chip was gone? Maybe that's why she is not with Clinton on the trail. So many accidents could happen.
     Seriously though, these developments really do throw fuel onto the fire that was already this election. It raises a simple question for those inclined to vote for Clinton. Can you really still vote for her in good conscience knowing she will bring this cloud of scandal with her into the oval office? No matter your hatred for Trump, he does not have even a fraction of the problems she has. Think about it. If she wins, the evidence is mounting she will face an indictment and will probably face impeachment if she is. And forget about her accomplishing anything. Is your hatred of Trump that high that you would put our country through that?  He is flawed, no arguing that. But it is more and more clear she is a criminal and greedy. Even her closest aid realized that. No wonder she collected her get out of jail free card and never it go!


Friday, October 28, 2016

Yes Virginia, there are still Patriots in Washington.

Friday October 28th, 2016

     When FBI Director Comey decided on July 5th not to recommend any criminal charges against Hillary Rodman Clinton for her private serve ruse  and subsequent mishandling of classified material, a huge bruise was put on our belief all of us are equal under the law. It literally shook our country to the core and even if you didn't know it, you still felt it. Since that day a large cloud has been hanging over our heads and a nagging question left unanswered; Is Hillary Clinton really above the law? Forget the politics for a moment if you can. As Director Comey laid it out that day, she did have a private server. There was classified information on it and she was extremely careless and reckless in her handling of it. Most of us who were in the military or law enforcement know that what he said was plain and simple. She violated the laws we set up to protect our country's secrets from ending up in the wrong hands. There is just no arguing that fact. No matter how much her supporters tried to spin it, they could not ever say she did nothing wrong. And neither did Comey. He just suggested a prosecutor would not take the case. Many of us believe he overstepped his authority when he said that, but it did not take away the fact she had violated laws. A subsequent hearing confirmed that when he was asked about discrepancies between Clinton's denials and the facts of the case.
     Since that hot day in July, there have been two public cases involving the same crimes in which two other citizens, Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier and ex Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, have both pleaded guilty in two separate incidents and are both facing prison time. Their crimes, when compared to the voluminous amount of Clinton misdeeds, are not even worthy of being in the same conversations.
     During this same time, revelation after revelation have come out about Hillary Clinton's private email server, deleted emails, corruption of the worst kind at her foundation, and strong indications she and her husband, Ex-President Bill Clinton, may have sold access to her when she was Secretary of State. Add to this the growing list of people surrounding these events pleading the 5th, being granted immunity or found to have been paying large amounts of money to principals connected to the investigation itself and it is impossible for clear thinking folks to believe there is nothing to see here anymore. Many of us were also wondering where the good patriotic civil servants were in all of this. Recently there were glimmers of hope as some news reports started to talk about FBI agents and Federal Prosecutors who were upset at the lack of prosecution on any of this. Apparently it became clear to the FBI Director he could no longer ignore the weight of the evidence either.
     Today, in an incredibly curt and simple letter to the Republican leaders of Congress, Director Comey laid down the full weight of the FBI back onto Hillary Rodman Clinton's shoulders. Make no mistake, this was a huge event which even the mainstream media could not ignore. Unbelievable as it may seem, it was the case of a perverted ex-congressman, Anthony Wiener, who is himself under investigation for sending inappropriate texts to a minor, which may have led to the final take down of the Clinton crime family. As reported by several media outlets today, thousands of emails from Hillary's private server were found on a laptop and or phones belonging to longtime Clinton aid Huma Abedin. Director Comey's letter, which makes reference to new emails pertinent to their original investigation, may mean the devices confiscated have some of the emails originally thought to have been destroyed by Clinton. If your head is spinning right now, I don't blame you. The more we learn, the more we must come to the realization that the Clinton's, like all mobsters, are really not very smart in the execution of their criminal activity. And the size of the web they created to make money by all means is beyond imagination. Nixon is surely spinning in his grave at the injustice of it all. Given all we know, how can we possibly elect a person of this caliber to the highest office in the free world!
     That is the most important question of all. It is my hope most of you will come to the logical, patriotic conclusion; we cannot put this crime family in charge again. You may not believe Trump is the best answer, but compared to her and her minions, I hope you will agree he is the only answer at this time.

Breaking News; Clinton Criminal Investigation Reopened by the FBI

Friday October 28, 2016

1:09 pm

     FOX News is reporting at this time the FBI is reopening the Clinton Email scandal. According to FBI Director James Comey, the investigation is being reopened due to the existence of more emails coming to light which were not turned over initially. He does not say where the emails come from but he is indicating they are emails found during the course of another investigation. Wonder what that is by the way?
Wow! If you are still thinking of voting for Hillary Clinton, as an American, you really need to rethink that. Do you really want to elect a person with so many clouds hanging over her into the most powerful position in the world?

Thursday, October 27, 2016

17th Worcester District Debate Tonight

Thursday October 27th, 2016

     If you live in the 17th Worcester District you might want to stop by Our Lady of the Angels in Worcester this evening for what promises to be a spirited debate between State Representative Kate Campanale and her challenger, Main South Resident Moses Dixon. It will be held from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM and the public is welcome.
     Campanale has been busy as a first time Representative supporting local projects such as the Coes Pond Rehabilitation and bringing more funds into the district for our schools. She also spearheaded an opiate addiction initiative with the support of other lawmakers and Governor Charlie Baker. Leicester and Western Worcester have not been so well served by their Representative in decades!
     For his part, Dixon has the support of the Democrat establishment in Worcester bu the  has been mired in controversy since Turtleboy Sports reported on his arrest in 2012 on domestic battery charges and subsequent restraining order. Although Ms. Campanale is herself a victim of this type of assault and stalking, Mr. Dixon has tried to tie her to the Donald Trump allegations just because she is a Republican. Disgusting and so hypocritical but nothing new to Worcester politics. If you are tired of this type of politics, come show your support for Kate and let the Worcester Democrat machine you will not put up with attacks anymore.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

If You Believe Donald Trump is Unqualified, then Moses Dixon is too!

Wednesday October 26th, 2016

     If you live in the 17th Worcester District like I do, then you should know there is a very lively race for State Representative going on. The incumbent, Kate Campanale, is the first Republican to represent this district in decades. When she won two years ago, it was a tremendous shock to the McGovern led Democrat machine in Central MA and at the statehouse in Boston. Enter Moses Dixon, a transplanted southern man who now resides in the Main South area of Worcester. For those not familiar, it is one of the few blighted areas in our city and has been under Democrat control for longer than I have been alive. Moses, who attended Clark University in Worcester and Howard University is originally from Hartsville, South Carolina. He has been an aid to State Rep Mary Keef, herself an extreme liberal Democrat, and even eyed a run for congress while living in South Carolina. Now the Democrat Machine in Worcester will deny it publicly, but they are still seething that Ms. Campanale won this district.
     Since she won by a very narrow margin, they are already licking their chops at winning the seat back. And Mr. Dixon is the perfect Democrat. He has been fully indoctrinated by the Liberal Academia crowd at Clark and Howard into believing more government is the answer to all of society's problems. As an aid to one of the most liberal State Reps, in one of the most Liberal states in the Union, he has been an honor student of how to be a political hack. He is even associated with a shady non profit in Worcester, CENTRO. Unfortunately for him, they are embroiled in a controversy involving their funds so he cannot tout that too much. MASS LIVE ON CENTRO He won a decisive primary battle in September over another hack, Doug Belanger of Leicester, MA and his political future was looking up. Everything was in place for the Dems. They had an articulate, young, minority candidate to put up against an accomplished, young, incumbent, female Republican State Rep. Then this happened.
     On October 12, 2016, Turtleboy Sports, (The best thing to ever happen to media around here!) reported on a story which had been conveniently under reported previously. Moses Dixon had been arrested and charged with Domestic Assault and Battery in 2012. Turtleboy Sports Article on This
So here we have a politically connected Democrat groomed liberal hack, endorsed by the Democrat Massachusetts Attorney General, Maura Healy, and supported by the Democrat Worcester County District Attorney, having been ARRESTED for a domestic assault and battery. The hypocrisy of having this man run for this seat, touting his support for victims of this crime, is unbelievable. I'm sure the Dems were hoping and praying the story would not come out, but Turtleboy Sports has opened a whole new avenue for their backroom deals and misdeeds to be exposed.
     No matter how much the system tries to deny the facts of this case, there is an affidavit and an arrest took place. Mr. Dixon claims that since the victim recanted, then the crime never happened.
     When I first read that garbage response from him, my head almost exploded. Then I remembered, Mr. Dixon is not from around here. You see, as an ex-law enforcement officer I know that in Massachusetts, whether a victim presses charges or not is not the criteria for an arrest. It is at the sole discretion of the responding police officers. In order for them to make the arrest, they have to be able to articulate that there was probable cause for the arrest, backed up by physical evidence. In this case the victim visibly upset, and the red marks around her neck, pretty much backed up her claim at the time that she was choked. To further give credence to the claim, a Judge at a later hearing found there was sufficient reason to grant the victim a restraining order against Mr. Dixon.
     Now we come to the election. So many Democrats are running around saying Trump is unqualified because he has been "accused" of taking certain liberties with women against their will. No police reports or court records exist of any of those incidents, yet the Dems are screaming he is unfit to run for office. Well, I ask this of the Democrats voting in the 17th Worcester District for State Representative. If you truly believe Trump is unfit because of those allegations, how can you possibly defend and vote for Mr. Dixon given that he was actually arrested?

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Obama Caught In Boldfaced Lie; Does Anyone Care?

Tuesday October 25th, 2016

6:12 PM

     As the presidential election nears the finish line several stories are heating up at the same time. The latest? According to a report from FOX News and fresh emails from Wiki Leaks, President Obama lied to CBS news on March 7th, 2015 when he said he learned about Clinton's private server from news reports like the rest of us did. The problem with that statement?  It was patently untrue. No ambiguity; no wiggle room; no denying his guilt. It is clear from the leaked information, there were many emails between Clinton and Obama during her time as Secretary of State. So many in fact, her aides and the White House discussed whether to hold those emails back from the subpoena issued by the Benghazi Committee by invoking executive privilege. If that was indeed done, it would indicate an abuse of Presidential power not seen since Watergate. It's easy to forget in the middle of all these stories, but we must remember, the existence of the server was a crime in and of itself. FBI Director Comey never once stated Clinton had not committed a crime. He just said it was not something most prosecutors would seek an indictment on. There is plenty of debate on that assertion among the legal community. As recently as October 12th, FOX NewsPolitics was reporting on FBI sources who were furious with Comey's decision and who expressed their own opinions about the matter. It was probably some of them who leaked the information about the McAuliffe payoff I wrote about yesterday. Clinton Scandals Multiply;  Let's not forget about 4 star General Cartwright going to jail last week, or the young submarine sailor who took a one year plea bargain deal for offenses which were much less serious.
     So why did Comey capitulate and not recommend an indictment? Could it have had nothing to do with Clinton at all, but rather a desire to protect the President? After all, it's not hard to surmise Clinton would not have hesitated to have called Obama as her first defense witness if she had been charged. Judge Napolitano said much the same thing on the Sean Hannity show last night. These are just a couple of questions this whole mess creates and it is clear from the leaked emails, operatives behind the scenes in both the Clinton Campaign and the Obama White House were apoplectic about this situation. All of this adds up to corruption never seen before in our country. Even Bob Woodward, one of the reporters who broke the Watergate scandal said as much this week.
     With a little over three months until Obama is gone, the odds of him being investigated properly, let alone impeached, are less than that of the Sun not rising tomorrow. All he has to do is wait out the clock. Clinton is in a much more precarious position. She better hope the Dems win the House, Senate and Presidency. Otherwise there will be so many investigations going on, she'll be lucky to have time to walk from one side of the White House to the other without having to answer subpoenas. If Trump loses, his supporters will demand nothing less from their Representatives, and there are enough of them now to wield a heavy hand among the Republicans that are left. All of this, coupled with the Obamacare disaster playing out, is a true gift to the Trump Campaign and could help propel him into office. For political junkies like us, it's time to get the popcorn and enjoy the show that is about to unfold.

Early Voting Was Easy Today in Worcester

Tuesday October 25, 2016

     I decided to go vote today since my mind is already made up and I figured I can avoid the inevitable lines on November 8th. I am very glad I did. For those who don't know, I live in Worcester MA  and our early voting has started. There are 5 polling sites across the city that are being used on a rotating basis. Today it was at Mt. Carmel Catholic Church. (That is ironic given the hatred the Clinton Campaign has for Catholics.)
     The first thing I noticed when I arrived at 10 am was that the parking lot was only about 3/4 full. Compared to what it will be like in two weeks, that was a nice surprise. On the other hand the lot was 3/4 full at a Catholic church on a Tuesday, a true miracle in this day and age. There was one lone candidate running for state rep holding a sign for himself. Other than that, no other political signs of any kind were in sight. As I entered the building with several other people we were met by a steady line of people exiting. Getting my ballots and voting was very easy. I gleefully voted for Trump, Kate Campanale ( My State Rep), and Lew Evangelidas, my county sheriff. I was pleasantly surprised when I handed my envelope over to a police officer, who then sealed it closed with glue better than I had done myself and promptly placed it in a ballot box. I got the impression he was going to guard that box as if it was full of priceless diamonds and I left feeling confident the process was being run as cleanly as possible.
     As for the other voters I met, no one was talking about the election but people seemed to be intent on participating. On my ride home, I failed to see any Clinton signs but did find a couple Trump signs which had not been stolen yet.
     If you are a Trump voter, I would encourage you to vote early so that you can help get others to the polls on the 8th. If you are a Clinton voter I also encourage you to go vote on November 9th, so you can be part of the process too.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Clinton Scandals Multiply; Obama Administration Implicated Too

Monday October 24, 2016

     At a rally in Manchester, NH today Hillary Clinton continued her attack on the fitness of Donald Trump to be President. For once it looked like a decent crowd, but as with all things Democrat these days, one has to wonder how many in the crowd were paid to be there, or bused  up from the friendlier land of Massachusetts. Rallies were held in other locations too by Tim Caine, and the Obama's. One of the biggest rallying cries from them to their supporters is to get out and vote early. Given the breaking news today, that is probably a very wise tactic.
     First thing this morning there were thousands of more Wiki Leaks emails disclosed from John Podesta's email. Almost all of these show a campaign going through the usual trials and tribulations but there were some more interesting tidbits. For example, we learned today that the Miss Universe scandal was months in the making and her accusations were not randomly made. While it is not Earth shattering, it does add to the impression that the Clinton Campaign is nothing but a dirty tricks machine.
     The second thing we learned today was that almost $700,000 was donated to the Virginia "State Senate" campaign of Dr. Jill Mcabe by Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe's Super Pac and the Virginia State Democratic Party. It turns out she is the wife of one of the lead FBI agents looking into the Clinton private server scandal. When you add the fact McAuliffe himself is under FBI scrutiny for possible illegal acts the smell of corruption gets almost unbearable. The Obama Administration is indirectly being tied to this since Loretta Lynch and Director Comey are his appointees. This story is actually being covered by CBS News on the front page of its website. Given the obvious bias in favor of the Clinton campaign by CBS in this election, this does not bode well those involved whether Clinton wins or not. CBS News
     Speaking of dirty tricks, yet a third scandal emerged today which was broken by Project Veritas. They released a video in which Democrat operatives are seen and heard describing ways to harass Trump at his rallies. On the surface, it is quite funny, since it involves people wearing Duck costumes and going to Trump gatherings to cause trouble. Robert Creamer, who was fired by the DNC   (Democrat National Committee) last week due to earlier scandal revelations including causing riots in Chicago and schemes to commit voter fraud, is on tape saying Hillary Clinton herself ordered the Duck Costume harassment using DNC resources, which, if true, would be a violation of Federal election laws. The DNC, we learn from other operatives on tape, at the direction of Donna Brazile, moved the duck operation over to a non-profit, in order to avoid a direct conflict with ABC Disney, which owns the rights to any Donald Duck character.
     All of these actions, if proven to be true, would violate several Federal laws enacted after Watergate to prevent collusion between campaigns, committee's and non-profits. It should also be noted Creamer, a convicted felon, has been to the Obama White House 342 times and he met directly with the President 47 times according to several media reports which leads to the question;  How much did the President know about these actions headed up by Creamer, Clinton and the DNC. Click here to watch the videos: Project Veritas
      Finally, this evening we learned from the Obama Administration that Obamacare premiums in 39 states are going up by double digits this year. Notices are being sent out and these increases take effect on November 1. There is no way this is good news for the Clinton Campaign.
      Polls are tightening, people are paying attention and even the mainstream media is starting to cover these stories, reluctantly to be sure, but they are almost being forced to at this point. With more days like this ahead, the Clinton dream may actually become her nightmare. Let's hope for our country's sake it becomes reality. She could always retire to her friend's homes in Morocco or Saudi Arabia.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Why Trump's Refusal to Play Along was Media Genius

     Our country is over. Our democracy is in trouble. It's horrifying that a major candidate would answer like that! Turn to any news outlet right after the third presidential debate of the 2016 election cycle ended and these are the things you would have heard. Even Fox couldn't resist the temptation to fall into his trap. And it hasn't shown any signs of letting up 17 hours later. The story is so big, a well timed press conference by Gloria Allred parading out yet another Trump accuser wasn't enough to knock it out of its rightful place at the top of every hour.Trump even took part as he appeared to double down at his rally in Ohio this afternoon. He emphatically insisted he will accept the election results, as long as he wins. I could hear the collective gasp of the leftist media and rino Republicans as they feinted horror and disdain against this man who would dare spit in their face and not be shamed in any way. It looked to me like Trump was thoroughly enjoying himself as were the thousands and thousands of rally attendees. And why not? For the next 24 to 72 hours, it is the only thing we will hear about concerning the Trump side of this contest. It won't stop the steady stories of corruption, graft and criminality surrounding Hillary Clinton from being covered. But as for Trump, the electorate will no longer listen to accusations about him and the media has a new bone to chew on. It's a bone most of the electorate doesn't really care about but that won't stop the media from trying to push it on us; That is the magic of it. The more the Democrats and their media puppets scream about it, the less impact it will have on the vote, if it had any in the first place. Trump has proven once again he is a master at using the media by relying on their extreme bias to help him form the real message he wants the voters to hear. In this case, the over the top coverage of one answer out of a 90 minute, mostly substantial debate, helps to prove his contention the election is being rigged. I cannot help but laugh at the simplicity of it or how well it worked for him.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Three Weeks Left. Can Trump Still Win?

October 19, 2016

     Yesterday I watched two Trump rallies online while I was doing some schoolwork. Both were held in Colorado and there were thousands of supporters cheering him on. I could feel the energy coming from my laptop here in Massachusetts over 2000 miles away. It's a phenomenon which has been occurring for well over a year and as the final three weeks of the 2016 election lie ahead, one that shows no sign of stopping. According to Gateway Pundit , in August 2016 Trump held 22 rallies in which over 110,000 people came to throw their support behind him and his message. I attended his rally in Worcester MA in November of 2015 and the energy level even back then was incredible. The makeup of the crowd was interesting too. It was held at an arena, not a college, yet college students by the hundreds were there including my own daughter who went on her own and was fervently cheering him on. When I asked her why she was so supportive of Trump, her answer was the key to why he can actually win; "He is an outsider and he talks straight." In fact, that has been the appeal right along hasn't it? We have a person on the national stage who simply is not afraid to tell it like he sees it. Is he always right? No. But that adds to the charm because in those instances where his rhetoric was a little too harsh, he has shown he can soften up and be flexible. In other words, he is willing to listen to the experts he surrounds himself with. One such example comes to mind. A few days ago New Jersey Governor Chris Christie publicly chided him for not giving a good apology after the tapes. Yesterday Trump mentioned Christie as a great friend and good guy to have on his side. Trump also puts his foot in his mouth too. Yet, to his supporters, it is more proof of how much of an outsider he really is and not even close to a reason for them to pull away. To so many of the political experts, it is simply not possible for him to compete given his missteps, yet here he is.
     He's also showing he is not afraid to go toe to toe with the establishment pick, Hillary Clinton, or unwilling to get in the mud with her. Some might think that has hurt him. I can't help but wonder if his opponents timed their vicious attacks too soon. Donald Trump is weathering a storm no other Republican candidate would have survived. Ask any of his biggest supporters and they will tell you that is what they craved for; a candidate who will not run in the face of conflict. Trump did not win over 16 other Republicans because of policies. He won because the electorate knew none of them could, or would, fight Clinton and the media on the right level. Romney, McCain and even Dole proved that, not too mention the weasels like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, who couldn't wait to turn on him the first chance they got.
     So where does all of this leave Trump now, just under three weeks away from the election. By almost all accounts, he is down in the polls by about 6 or 7 points. There are a couple which show him leading or tied like the LA Times and Rasmussen, but most of the media dismisses those out of hand. Can he use tonight's debate to springboard a huge political comeback? Does he even have to? My point is, there are many factors which I believe are not being taken into account so far by the corporate media, longtime pundits and others who are so used to the election norms.
     I mentioned I was watching yesterday's rallies online. The channel I was on, Reddit, listed over 40,000 viewers from across the country. This has been happening over and over again. Reddit is only one of many online streaming services available for free. Trump is driving a viewership major network sitcoms would drool over. Yet we hear none of this from the news coverage. In the last debate, Anderson Cooper tried to use Trump's familiarity with twitter as a negative point in his questions. Trump promptly turned that around and explained he has 31 million followers so it is a good way to get a message out, even at 3am. Cooper was at a loss because he, like so many others in his profession, just does not understand social media. And what about the polls themselves? One of the biggest stories out of this election cycle has been the ability of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump to bring millions and millions of new voters into the process. Most polls rely on voter lists from past elections to determine likely voters. That means they are not talking to those millions of new voters! They will claim they are using registration lists but in most counties, those lists are not updated for months after the elections.
     Does this mean I do not believe the polls? No, I think Trump is behind. I also think he can win decisively if Clinton does not improve her performance. Trump is the outsider. This is a change election. Clinton represents everything wrong with the establishment. She is also trying to ride out the clock in the face of huge scandals involving her illegal activities as Secretary of State and with her foundation.
     Yesterday Trump started to hit her hard on that and has now taken up the battle cry of "Drain The Swamp" in light of the clear corruption revelations by the FBI. If it sticks among his crowds, and if he can continue to show himself to be presidential as he has done this week, he can and will win. One thing is certain; the next three weeks are going to be exciting to us political junkies. Make plenty of popcorn, your going to need it!