Sunday, May 15, 2011

Worcester County Armed Forces Committee Supper

     Many thanks to Congressman McGovern as well as Councilors Joseph Petty and Konnie Lukes for attending the supper held at Holy Cross tonight in honor of the area's Military Members, families and Veterans. As for State Senator Michael Moore and State Representative James O'Day, your presence was also appreciated but by leaving early from an event which ended at a little after 9 pm anyway, it made it appear as if you were there only for the photo opp the event provided. As a veteran, I would rather you just stay home next time if your heart isn't in it.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Birth Certificate; a final word...

     I have purposefully let a few weeks go by before commenting on the release of the President's Official Birth certificate. You know, the one that ABC news and all of the other lame stream media claimed was already released by his campaign over two years ago. They were wrong, and knew it as they reported as fact, over and over again, the certificate of live birth was the same as an official birth certificate. Donald Trump knew the truth and he wasn't going to let the issue drop. When the President did finally release the original birth certificate, he at once validated Trump's assertions and proved the media had been lying to us all along. Well most of the media anyway. So President Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961. Ok, so? Many of the so-called birthers believed that anyway. It was simply the principle of it. As Americans we just hate it when people believe they are above us and entitled to different rules. In reality it may be true, but we cannot stand it just the same.
     Now what? Well, if you are a liberal sycophant you just exhaled a huge sigh of relief because deep down you were afraid he really wasn't born in the US. Then you started to denigrate and ridicule anew all of those who asked the President to produce his original birth certificate as kooks and crazies. Establishment Republicans also welcomed the release so that a real debate about Obama's failed policies could begin, or so they said. Truth is most of them were afraid they would be called upon to take action against Obama as an illegal President if he wasn't eligible and none of them would have had the courage to do so. It seems like all of those beltway folks, pols and media alike, could not wait for this issue to just go away, and fast.
     So why did the President take so long to release his real birth certificate? Aren't any of you curious, like me, as to that answer? Why take so long to do something the rest of us have to do just to play Little League Baseball? Well, according to some, it took this long to "create" an original official Birth Certificate.    Others believe he just didn't want to be forced to release it. How did that work out?
     Whatever the reason behind the decision not to release the document sooner, I think it demonstrates once again how inept the administration is. Think about it. For over two years this controversy has festered in and out of the headlines until it finally boiled over and had to be dealt with directly. How could the so-called leader of the free world be played so badly? How could he have been manipulated so easily into back flipping on such a trivial issue? Then again, what if it wasn't such a trivial issue after all? Anyone ever hear of Barry Soetoro?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thank You Mr. President

     If you've been reading this blog since I started writing it last year, you know I have been very critical of President Obama and his policies. His handling of our economic situation has been nothing if not inept. His tour around the world apologizing for our country and our way of life was embarrassing and uncalled for. His reliance on the UN to authorize our involvement in Lybia instead of going through congress was unconstitutional and may yet prove to be his un-doing. I will continue to be critical of those issues but not today.
     Today I want to say "Thank you Mr. President for a job well done."
     By getting rid of ubl up close and personal with a seal team instead of by air attack, he allowed us to rejoice in a hard fought victory over evil while at the same time leaving no doubt of his death. To all of those who are finding fault with the President on this issue I beg you to stop and put your ideology aside. Of all the options he had on Sunday morning, the one he chose was not the easiest. No, he did not fly there. No, he did not shoot ubl or come under any fire. None of that matters. In this instance he was the only person who could have allowed this operation to take place. Period. He didn't blow it by worrying about the Pakastanis, who it turns out may have been harboring ubl for years, or by sharing the plan with any of our so called allies. Did he take too much credit when he announced the victory? Probably, but who could blame him for a little gloating. After all, he's been getting beat up a ton lately. Has the decision to show the photographs or not show them dragged on too long. Yes, but that doesn't change the outcome of ubl being dead.
     Thank you Mr. President, once again, on the behalf of all Americans, especially those killed on 9-11 like Brian Sweeney from Spencer and all the others, for allowing justice to be brought upon the one man who was most responsible for the deaths of so many innocent people on that fateful day.