Sunday, February 13, 2011

Illegal Alien Benefits...on our dime!

     This past Saturday a bold headline proclaimed "Young immigrants vow to press on for resident benefits" This article by Russell Contreras  of THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, is yet another example of our local paper acting as a propaganda tool for all that is liberal in our state and country. First of all let me point out in the headline the ILLEGAL ALIEN students are referred to as "Young Immigrants."  This is a blatant attempt to hide who these people really are; ILLEGAL ALIEN sons and daughters of ILLEGAL ALIENS who disregarded our laws and then took advantage of all the goodies the Democrats in power have provided for them. All we have to do is look to the Boston Housing Authority to see the corruption in place. President Obama's Aunt has been living in one of their units for years after being ordered out of the country by the INS. (It is disgusting to think of how many veterans who served their country are homeless right now in Massachusetts while ILLEGAL ALIENS like her get free housing on our dime!)
          Now we have a group of young ILLEGAL ALIENS who are demanding that the taxpayers of Massachusetts allow them to attend our tax funded higher education institutions at the same tuition rate as resident CITIZENS! How did we ever let this farce get so far? I wonder why we even allow them to attend these schools in the first place. For every ILLEGAL ALIEN who does, a citizen is left out. Are the Democrats so far gone they cannot see how hurtful and wrong this is to the young people of this state to be left out in the cold while law breakers are given the opportunities they should be getting?
     All of the arguments used by the ILLEGAL ALIENS in the article can also be used to explain why actual citizens should get a higher education. Better opportunities to make them productive members of society is a noble idea, for our own citizens! One of the telling things mentioned in the article is that these ILLEGAL ALIENS have already been afforded a high school education at our expense but apparently that wasn't enough. Are the Democrats so ignorant they cannot see how every benefit given to an illegal immigrant by our tax money is a big bright neon sign of enticement to others in their respective home countries who may be thinking about coming here? Can't they see that whatever they give is never enough? And please don't tell me it's not just the Democrats who pander to the criminals. In this state they own the issue.
     As a veteran I am also extremely upset that programs in place for myself and other veterans have to compete for resources with ILLEGAL ALIENS! Only Democrats seem to be able to say otherwise but it cannot be denied, especially here in Massachusetts. Millions and millions of our tax dollars go towards paying for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT education, health care, housing, food, utilities and so much more. Every other recipient of our state tax dollars have to compete with these criminals too. How is it that we as an electorate ever let it get this bad?
     Mr. Contreras' liberal bias bleeds through every paragraph. At least three times he refers to the ILLEGAL ALIENS as undocumented student immigrants and four other times he leaves out the word undocumented and just writes student immigrant. This is the type of reporting I am referring to when I characterize the mainstream media as being a mouth piece of the liberal establishment. I could not find one question by Mr. Contreras in which he asks the ILLEGAL ALIENS why they think they should be rewarded for breaking this country's laws! Many other questions come to mind but of course they will never be asked or answered.
     In 1922 my Great Grandfather came over from Italy on a ship leaving his wife and nine children behind. He worked in menial jobs and lived in a tenement house for two years before he could get them here. He followed all of the rules in place and did it the right way. Most people's families , no matter their ethnic background with two well known exceptions, have a similar history. People like my Great Grandfather are and were IMMIGRANTS. People like those referred to in the article are CRIMINALS! They should be treated as such and denied any benefit of any kind from their illegal activity.