I am one of the many conservatives living deep in the heart of Liberal Massachusetts. We are out numbered and surrounded, yet we fight on to once again bring the values this country was built on back to where it all began. This blog is proof there are opposite views here. We won't back down and we wont give up the good fight!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Do we need another elitist representing us? I say no!
Obama economist and highly paid Harvard Professor Elizabeth Warren, who is running against Scott Brown for the Senate, released information showing she has raised over 3 and a half million dollars during the third quarter of 2011. Amazing how she was so quick to release that tidbit but failed to make the deadline for releasing her own personal information. According to Boston Herald columnist Holly Robichaud, who appeared on the Jim Polito show on WTAG this morning, Professor Warren has yet to submit her required financial disclosure and has applied for an extension to do so until January 2012. Apparently Warren not only makes over $347,000 from Harvard, she also collects tens of thousands of dollars every year from being a consultant and for special projects. Hardly the type of income most of us live with every day. Given that, I simply ask this. Do you really think Warren could possibly know what it's like to worry about heating costs, gasoline cost, food costs or the impact the higher taxes she is calling for would have on our personal budgets? Warren is just another hypocrite, liberal, elitist, socialist Democrat and I for one think we have enough of them in our government already.