Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Back to the Future

     Between April 25th and November 6th of this year I did something most of us only dream about doing, when no one is looking, and only to ourselves. I ran for office. Yes, that's right. I publicly admitted what many of you suspected already. I am certifiably nuts! Ok, so maybe not, but hopefully you get the point. Although the result was very disappointing, the experience of running was well worth it. I will never forget the close knit team put together on such short notice or the gallant effort put forth. I stated many times the reasons I ran. They were all valid but none more so than the simple desire to serve and try something new instead of the same old tired approaches to the issues facing all of us. Unfortunately most of my fellow citizens disagreed and they went with the status quo. Too bad. Still, a large enough number of folks did vote for me which lends some hope for the future of our views, even here in moonbat heaven. So to all of you who worked on or otherwise supported the campaign, THANK YOU!
     Now that the election is behind us, it is time to turn a page which for me means blogging again. Sorry Libs, I am not going away. As a matter of fact, you may be hearing even more from me in the near future, stay tuned.
     In case you did not notice, I have changed the name of this blog to "The LeBeau Post" in the hopes that someday it will be as big as Drudge or Huffington. Hey, don't laugh. They started out the same way! Truth is, I'll be happy with however many of you read my blog and I encourage you all to participate. Yes, even you libs out there, who for some strange reason want this place to be like so many others in the world, while those living in those same places strive to come to this place. Confused? Me too as to why you are Liberal and why you insist on voting Democrat when it is they who are stealing your freedom and destroying your way of life. Sorry, a little rant got through there. Well, in any case, I am glad to be back to writing and look forward to the many battles ahead.
     Thank you for reading. :)