Yesterday I attended the Freedom Rally in North Brookfield with about three hundred other American patriots. Groups like G.O.A.L. (Gun Owners Action League), Oathkeepers, and It's Time were there but most of the crowd seemed to be made up of regular folks who are just fed up. Many, like me, were Veterans, or police officers, or retired and there was at least one outspoken teacher. Several media folks were there too to take part and to exercise their right to cover the event. Although it was cold, the weather was clear and sunny. All in all it was a good rally, but it could have been, and should have been even bigger.

As soon as I arrived I got myself put on the list to speak and when it came to be my turn, I concentrated on the history aspect of the Bill of Rights as a whole and what the written record says about our founding father's intents. I also spent a few minutes on making the point we need to engage the folks who were not there. Our friends, neighbors and family who we know are reasonable and not so far to left there is no hope of saving them. While the rallies are a good way of connecting and publicizing the message, nothing is really going to change until we start taking back our government one open position at a time.
Every year, in towns and cities all across the country, positions remain unfilled or, even worse, no one runs against the current office holder, who, in Massachusetts, is most likely a left leaning Liberal out to usher in every crazy idea that comes along. You know, ideas like requiring gun holders to carry insurance, like we do on automobiles. Or intellectually dishonest laws like the ones to limit capacity when all of WWII was fought using eight round clips. It is time for those of us who know what freedom is, to step up and fill those open positions, or to run for elected ones. Even if you are appointed dog catcher, or you are a candidate, your voice will be heard. I agree with one slogan in particular from yesterday. It's Time to Act Now!