Why Congressman Richard Neal, that's who! This past week the Spencer New Leader ran a piece showcasing career politician Neal who spoke recently to the Senior class at David Prouty High School in Spencer. While that might be the right thing to do once in awhile for any Congressman, doing it now, three weeks before one of the most important elections in our lifetimes, instead of talking to actual voters just seems cowardly. I grew up in Millbury and Spencer. I went to David Prouty High School and I now live in Leicester. I am 46 years old, a former police officer, and a veteran of the first Gulf War. As God is my witness I have never seen Richard Neal until this past Sunday, October 10th when he marched in a parade in Grafton. That after his being in office for over 20 years! That's not to say Neal and his cronies haven't been around, they just haven't been around actual voters who might ask certain questions and might be angry at how he and his tax and spend liberal friends have taken our hard earned money and thrown it away to special interest groups or private colleges. Maybe Congressman Neal knows deep down inside the only people who really buy his brand of governing are young people like those at my alma mater who probably just don't know any better. Well I have some questions for you ,Congressman Neal, even though I am a voter in your district and I know the chances are slim that you will answer any of them. Why should you when it is clear no reporters from our local print media will ask you any either but here goes anyway.
Congressman Neal, why won't you come to towns like Leicester and debate Tom Wesley in front of people who can actually go in a voter booth and vote?
Why do you need to have George McGovern with you when you do speak to voters in your district? Remember the health care town hall last year?
Why won't you explain to the voters of your district how spending over $400,000 of stimulus funds on refurbishing a dorm for a private college is more important than making sure the town the college is in has a full compliment of police officers on duty, or a viable fire station, or street lights that work.
How is it that you have voted favorably on every major piece of legislation generated by president Obama's agenda when you know that some of those bills will hurt Massachusetts citizens. For example, on the health care issue, we are now going to pay higher federal taxes for something our state already provides out of our state taxes!
Congressman Neal, why are you a rubber stamp liberal Democrat for the liberal establishment in Washington DC instead of a true representative for the people who live in your district? For example you voted to give billions and billions of dollars to car makers in Michigan and fat cat bankers on Wall Street while schools in your district are falling down, fire protection is on a part-time or volunteer basis for the most part, and there is high unemployment! Don't you think some of that money could have been used to improve the lives of the voters you served instead?
There is no doubt, based on your actions Congressman Neal, that you are a coward when it comes to facing voters like myself or a viable challenger like Tom Wesley. It is clear you are much more comfortable in front of teenagers than in front of any of your real constituents. I can only hope it is clear to my fellow citizens in the second district too on November 2nd!