After weeks of imitating John Kerry by waffling on the Libya situation President Obama finally gets tough and acts. Well sort of. Apparently he has ordered those in his administration to not use the word war when describing the military operation now under way. He also failed to tell us, the American People, what the objectives of the military campaign are and what our role will be as part of a loosely held international coalition. Since the attacks on Libya began there have been public squabbles among the so called allies about what the goals are or even who is in charge. Obama insists that NATO will be taking over the operation but in fine liberal academia fashion, there will be a steering committee set up to make operational decisions. Even the lowest private in the Army can see how disastrous that approach will be in any situation like this. Can you imagine how that might go for the troops involved? Think about it. Just a couple of days ago one of our planes went down and both of the pilots had to eject. Our Navy and Marines quickly reacted and both crew members were safely brought back. Now fast forward a couple of weeks and the same situation arises. Before any rescue is launched permission would have to be granted by the NATO steering committee. By the time members are assembled and a consensus is agreed upon as to what assets to use, how to do it, and which member countries would be involved, those same crew members would most likely become casualties.
When Obama was campaigning to become President these are the situations his opponents pointed to. They worried he just did not have the experience or world view needed to lead our country. Kenya? No problem. The US, no way! When we do not lead in this world, there is no leadership. I hope the President learns this at some point before it is too late for all our sakes.