Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Red Cross

Tonight I was watching the news when I heard about the great job the Red Cross is doing in Japan. I also saw some new video of the tsunami that was very sobering. I then remembered how the Red Cross had helped me and decided this was a good time to say thanks.
     Seven years ago today I awoke at 5 am to the most horrible nightmare imaginable. Our house was on fire. Thankfully everyone survived without any injuries although we did lose one cat. Still, we lost everything we owned and did not even have any shoes on our feet. Soon our neighbors were there with shoes, hot coffee, warm kitchens and comforting ears. After awhile I went back to our front yard and I remember standing there looking at the black shell that had been a home and wondering what next. With the arrival of the American Red Cross disaster van some of those questions were answered.
     A voucher was provided so that we could go and buy enough clothes to wear for a couple days. We were given information on agencies that were available to assist us. They made sure we had a place to stay (We did.) and were told if not they would arrange for some type of housing. I don't remember how long they were there but I know it was more than a couple hours.
     So who were the Red Cross volunteers that day? Sadly I don't know their names but I do know this. They were local residents like you and me who were awoken early on a Sunday morning to come to someone else's aid. Not for money, not for public recognition, not for anything other than a deep sense of wanting to help people in need.
     As an adult I have given to charities like the United Way and heard about some of the groups they help, like the Red Cross, but never really thought about what the money was used for. On that cold March morning I saw first hand where some of it went.
     Although I cannot personally thank the volunteers from that day I can say thank you to the Red Cross for being there when I needed them. I have never worked for the Red Cross and I don't know anyone who does but I do know the sacrifices the volunteers make every time they are called out. If you can, I am asking that you support the Red Cross so they can continue to be there for people in need whether its on your own street or in Japan, thanks.