My appointment this morning on Front Street was for 9:00 am. I left my house in Leicester at 8:20 which allowed for any traffic I might encounter. Surprisingly the ride in was smooth and without the usual backups. At 8:47 I turned from Mechanic Street to head into the parking garage there and was met with the dreaded "Garage Full" signs. No problem, continued on and turned right onto Foster Street. There I discovered the old garage being dismantled and limited parking spaces on the right side of the road, all metered. I went around to Franklin Street, turned right and then went onto Front Street. I went around City Hall, back down Franklin Street and then went to the Library parking lot. There I found plenty of spaces but once again they were all metered. After walking back to Front Street I made it to my appointment ten minutes late. So the net time to get to Front Street from Leicester Center was 37 minutes and the net time finding a place to park was 23 minutes.
After finishing up on Front Street I needed to go to City Hall. Because I was late for my appointment, it ended up going over. I was now close to the two hour limit I had put on the parking meter but did not have time to add to it. At City Hall my business ended up being close to 3 hours. When I finally made it back to the Library Lot I had a nice $20.00 present on my windshield. Ok, so that happens when you let it run over.
My complaint is not with the parking ticket enforcement, it is instead with the city for failing to provide enough signs so that people who have business downtown can know where to park. Didn't anyone think the elimination of the parking garage would cause parking issues? I also wonder why city council meetings are filled with trivial issues like banning cigarettes while real issues, like downtown parking, are ignored?
I am one of the many conservatives living deep in the heart of Liberal Massachusetts. We are out numbered and surrounded, yet we fight on to once again bring the values this country was built on back to where it all began. This blog is proof there are opposite views here. We won't back down and we wont give up the good fight!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Obama's Communist Manifesto
As the President makes his remarks this afternoon on his budget proposal, I am reminded of the old scenes of Soviet Union Leaders giving speeches to their people on how free they are while the members of the Poliburo sit on the balcony overlooking Red Square.
In this speech so far he has used China as an example of a country where so many companies go to be in business. No mention of the oppressive Communist Regime there that lets companies get away with criminally low wages amid horrible working conditions. Where are all the liberals screaming at him for supporting those human rights violations?
He is calling out the wealthy of America for not doing enough to pay their fair share and intends to tax them even higher. Wonder why he didn't mention his friends at GE who paid zero taxes on billions of dollars in profit? No mention either of the thousands of waivers he has given to unions, huge companies and select individuals from having to abide by his coveted health care law. Just like the communists of old who allowed corruption to exist as long as they got their peice of the pie.
President Obama claims to have a plan to reduce the Federal deficit by 4 trillion dollars in 12 years. Huh? That would still leave a deficit of over 10 trillion dollars at the current levels. Wondering why he didn't mention the trillions of dollars of debt he and his party has incurred in just over 2 years? Those are inconvenient facts I guess. Just to remind those of you who forgot, the last Bush yearly deficit was just over 462 billion dollars. Not good, but compared to the current 1.6 trillion dollar deficit, it looks much better.
He is almost done and still hasn't mentioned how the 787 billion dollar stimulus package didn't work or how much of that allocated money is still unspent. No mention of the billions being spent on the War in Libya either. Just like a good commie Soviet Leader of old he is telling us how wonderful we are and how great our system is while he continues to apologize for us around the world and continues on a path of destroying our way of life.
By asking for more taxes to solve the spending problem and the huge debt, he is throwing in the towel and coming as close as I think he is capable of to admitting defeat. He looks more incompetent today than he ever has. Unfortunatley for him we do have freedom and the lamestream media is not our only source of information so his lies cannot be hidden. This President has spent more in two years than any other, period. We cannot recover until that spending stops. It doesn't sound like he is going to. If he wins another 4 years, God help us all!
In this speech so far he has used China as an example of a country where so many companies go to be in business. No mention of the oppressive Communist Regime there that lets companies get away with criminally low wages amid horrible working conditions. Where are all the liberals screaming at him for supporting those human rights violations?
He is calling out the wealthy of America for not doing enough to pay their fair share and intends to tax them even higher. Wonder why he didn't mention his friends at GE who paid zero taxes on billions of dollars in profit? No mention either of the thousands of waivers he has given to unions, huge companies and select individuals from having to abide by his coveted health care law. Just like the communists of old who allowed corruption to exist as long as they got their peice of the pie.
President Obama claims to have a plan to reduce the Federal deficit by 4 trillion dollars in 12 years. Huh? That would still leave a deficit of over 10 trillion dollars at the current levels. Wondering why he didn't mention the trillions of dollars of debt he and his party has incurred in just over 2 years? Those are inconvenient facts I guess. Just to remind those of you who forgot, the last Bush yearly deficit was just over 462 billion dollars. Not good, but compared to the current 1.6 trillion dollar deficit, it looks much better.
He is almost done and still hasn't mentioned how the 787 billion dollar stimulus package didn't work or how much of that allocated money is still unspent. No mention of the billions being spent on the War in Libya either. Just like a good commie Soviet Leader of old he is telling us how wonderful we are and how great our system is while he continues to apologize for us around the world and continues on a path of destroying our way of life.
By asking for more taxes to solve the spending problem and the huge debt, he is throwing in the towel and coming as close as I think he is capable of to admitting defeat. He looks more incompetent today than he ever has. Unfortunatley for him we do have freedom and the lamestream media is not our only source of information so his lies cannot be hidden. This President has spent more in two years than any other, period. We cannot recover until that spending stops. It doesn't sound like he is going to. If he wins another 4 years, God help us all!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Who are they kidding?
Well it looks like the Federal Government is probably going to shut down Friday because the Democrats and Republicans cannot agree on how much to cut the deficits this year. It sounds like politics as usual until you look a little deeper into the issues. Democrats are almost shrill in their characterization of the proposed Republican cuts as "extreme" and sure to be "deadly" to children and old people. Mainstream Republicans like Boehner and, I am sad to admit, Scott Brown are trying to "compromise" and settle for cuts that are less drastic and which will have a better chance of passing. So what are the numbers being talked about? Well for starters the Republicans wanted to cut 100 Billion off of this year's budget. Dems countered with spending increases. At this time they are about 7 Billion dollars apart at Dems 30 Billion and Republicans 37 Billion. Are they kidding? Really? Folks, the deficit this year alone is 1.6 Trillion Dollars! Does anyone know what those numbers mean?
I called into Jordan's show yesterday and explained it like this. If the debt was actually $160.00 the amounts the politicians are fighting over would be $3.00 and $3.70 respectively! I'm not kidding. When the Dems were calling the 100 Billion dollar cut off the 1.6 Trillion dollar deficit extreme, they were in effect talking about $10.00 off of $160.00. Is that extreme? Is that going to cause old people and children to die? Not hardly.
So where is the lamestream media in all this? Why can't we have some honesty in the reporting of this? Until people wake up to the facts of this stuff nothing is ever going to get better. If we can't get the two sides to save even $10.00 off of $160.00 then there is no hope of ever getting our country back. Now there are going to Social Security recipients who won't get their checks because the Democrats refuse to cut any amount from their drunkin spending spree over the past two years. Oh yeah, plenty of liberals will scream it's the Republicans fault but who are they kidding. The numbers don't lie! Just remember what the amounts are they are talking about really mean and you will see clearly who is at fault. No amount of hype and fear mongering will change that fact.
I called into Jordan's show yesterday and explained it like this. If the debt was actually $160.00 the amounts the politicians are fighting over would be $3.00 and $3.70 respectively! I'm not kidding. When the Dems were calling the 100 Billion dollar cut off the 1.6 Trillion dollar deficit extreme, they were in effect talking about $10.00 off of $160.00. Is that extreme? Is that going to cause old people and children to die? Not hardly.
So where is the lamestream media in all this? Why can't we have some honesty in the reporting of this? Until people wake up to the facts of this stuff nothing is ever going to get better. If we can't get the two sides to save even $10.00 off of $160.00 then there is no hope of ever getting our country back. Now there are going to Social Security recipients who won't get their checks because the Democrats refuse to cut any amount from their drunkin spending spree over the past two years. Oh yeah, plenty of liberals will scream it's the Republicans fault but who are they kidding. The numbers don't lie! Just remember what the amounts are they are talking about really mean and you will see clearly who is at fault. No amount of hype and fear mongering will change that fact.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Weekly Obama Moments
After watching our President and his administration spin all kinds of tall tales or half truths recently I started to wonder if they really think we are that stupid. I guess that's the only answer as to why they continue to misrepresent things and then outrageously lie about it with straight faces. Otherwise they are crazy and really belief the, uh, septic waste they are selling to us. In response I have decided to create a weekly post of what I call Obama moments. This weeks entries, and there were so many candidates, are as follows.
1. In his speech about our actions in Libya on Monday the President explained why there would be no US boots on the ground. He referenced Iraq and at one point said, " But regime change there took eight years, thousands of American and Iraqi lives, and nearly a trillion dollars." Uh, sorry Mr. President but that is absolutely not true. In actuality the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and his Baathist party took just 22 days. That's right; the invasion of Iraq started on March 19, 2003 and Bagdhad fell on April 9th of that year. It was not the regime change that took so long, it was the establishment of a working democratic government and by all accounts that lofty goal has been accomplished. Other examples should be noted too. After WWII Japan did not reach its current political structure until 1955, ten years after the end of the war. Germany after WWII was similar and it took a heroic effort by the allies to rebuild that country into the freedom loving democracy it is today.
2. In his speech on energy Wednesday the President proposed a very ambitous goal of reducing our daily import of barrels of oil by one third within ten years when he said, "So today, I’m setting a new goal: one that is reasonable, achievable, and necessary. When I was elected to this office, America imported 11 million barrels of oil a day. By a little more than a decade from now, we will have cut that by one-third." That was cute Mr. President. I immediately asked myself why he referenced the barrels of oil per day from November 2008 instead of a more recent date, like last Friday for instance. The answer is simple folks. After more than two years of a deep recession our import of oil has dropped to around 9.7 million barrels a day. Even if he does nothing the President is already well on the way to his goal. The goal itself is laughable though when you figure that as our economy heats up use of oil will increase. Where does the President think we are going to get the extra oil if we don't import it. That leads me to the next moment.
3. In the same speech the President touted how his administration has been so supportive of domestic off shore drilling when he said, "Today, we’re working to expedite new drilling permits for companies that meet these standards. Since they were put in place, we’ve approved 39 new shallow water permits; and we’ve approved an additional 7 deepwater permits in recent weeks. When it comes to drilling onshore, my Administration approved more than two permits last year for every new well that the industry started to drill." What the President didn't say was only four permits have been "issued" since his unnecesary ban last year and those only after a federal judge declared the Administration was in contempt for not doing it earlier. He also failed to mention that one of those permits was to a Brazillian company who will now "export" any oil they drill off our shores back to us for a profit. This while American comapnies are still being denied the same opportunity. By some estimates this President's policies are costing the US about 220,000 barrels of oil a day and around 19,000 American jobs. Who is he kidding? As far as on shore drilling permits, which is what he referenced in the speech, those are usually given to open a new well on the same oil field. If this guy was a salesman we would be suing him for false advertising!
4. In the Monday speech President Obama said about our role in the Libyan conflict, "In that effort, the United States will play a supporting role — including intelligence, logistical support, search and rescue assistance, and capabilities to jam regime communications. Because of this transition to a broader, NATO-based coalition, the risk and cost of this operation — to our military and to American taxpayers — will be reduced significantly." A few short minutes later he said this, "To brush aside America's responsibility as a leader and — more profoundly — our responsibilities to our fellow human beings under such circumstances would have been a betrayal of who we are. Some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities in other countries. The United States of America is different. And as President, I refused to wait for the images of slaughter and mass graves before taking action." How can we be the leader Mr. President if we are committed to being in a "supporting" role? Does he even read these speeches before he delivers them?
There were many other Obama moments this past week and if you think one of them should have been included, let me know or better yet, blog about it. Have a great weekend.
1. In his speech about our actions in Libya on Monday the President explained why there would be no US boots on the ground. He referenced Iraq and at one point said, " But regime change there took eight years, thousands of American and Iraqi lives, and nearly a trillion dollars." Uh, sorry Mr. President but that is absolutely not true. In actuality the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and his Baathist party took just 22 days. That's right; the invasion of Iraq started on March 19, 2003 and Bagdhad fell on April 9th of that year. It was not the regime change that took so long, it was the establishment of a working democratic government and by all accounts that lofty goal has been accomplished. Other examples should be noted too. After WWII Japan did not reach its current political structure until 1955, ten years after the end of the war. Germany after WWII was similar and it took a heroic effort by the allies to rebuild that country into the freedom loving democracy it is today.
2. In his speech on energy Wednesday the President proposed a very ambitous goal of reducing our daily import of barrels of oil by one third within ten years when he said, "So today, I’m setting a new goal: one that is reasonable, achievable, and necessary. When I was elected to this office, America imported 11 million barrels of oil a day. By a little more than a decade from now, we will have cut that by one-third." That was cute Mr. President. I immediately asked myself why he referenced the barrels of oil per day from November 2008 instead of a more recent date, like last Friday for instance. The answer is simple folks. After more than two years of a deep recession our import of oil has dropped to around 9.7 million barrels a day. Even if he does nothing the President is already well on the way to his goal. The goal itself is laughable though when you figure that as our economy heats up use of oil will increase. Where does the President think we are going to get the extra oil if we don't import it. That leads me to the next moment.
3. In the same speech the President touted how his administration has been so supportive of domestic off shore drilling when he said, "Today, we’re working to expedite new drilling permits for companies that meet these standards. Since they were put in place, we’ve approved 39 new shallow water permits; and we’ve approved an additional 7 deepwater permits in recent weeks. When it comes to drilling onshore, my Administration approved more than two permits last year for every new well that the industry started to drill." What the President didn't say was only four permits have been "issued" since his unnecesary ban last year and those only after a federal judge declared the Administration was in contempt for not doing it earlier. He also failed to mention that one of those permits was to a Brazillian company who will now "export" any oil they drill off our shores back to us for a profit. This while American comapnies are still being denied the same opportunity. By some estimates this President's policies are costing the US about 220,000 barrels of oil a day and around 19,000 American jobs. Who is he kidding? As far as on shore drilling permits, which is what he referenced in the speech, those are usually given to open a new well on the same oil field. If this guy was a salesman we would be suing him for false advertising!
4. In the Monday speech President Obama said about our role in the Libyan conflict, "In that effort, the United States will play a supporting role — including intelligence, logistical support, search and rescue assistance, and capabilities to jam regime communications. Because of this transition to a broader, NATO-based coalition, the risk and cost of this operation — to our military and to American taxpayers — will be reduced significantly." A few short minutes later he said this, "To brush aside America's responsibility as a leader and — more profoundly — our responsibilities to our fellow human beings under such circumstances would have been a betrayal of who we are. Some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities in other countries. The United States of America is different. And as President, I refused to wait for the images of slaughter and mass graves before taking action." How can we be the leader Mr. President if we are committed to being in a "supporting" role? Does he even read these speeches before he delivers them?
There were many other Obama moments this past week and if you think one of them should have been included, let me know or better yet, blog about it. Have a great weekend.
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