As the President makes his remarks this afternoon on his budget proposal, I am reminded of the old scenes of Soviet Union Leaders giving speeches to their people on how free they are while the members of the Poliburo sit on the balcony overlooking Red Square.
In this speech so far he has used China as an example of a country where so many companies go to be in business. No mention of the oppressive Communist Regime there that lets companies get away with criminally low wages amid horrible working conditions. Where are all the liberals screaming at him for supporting those human rights violations?
He is calling out the wealthy of America for not doing enough to pay their fair share and intends to tax them even higher. Wonder why he didn't mention his friends at GE who paid zero taxes on billions of dollars in profit? No mention either of the thousands of waivers he has given to unions, huge companies and select individuals from having to abide by his coveted health care law. Just like the communists of old who allowed corruption to exist as long as they got their peice of the pie.
President Obama claims to have a plan to reduce the Federal deficit by 4 trillion dollars in 12 years. Huh? That would still leave a deficit of over 10 trillion dollars at the current levels. Wondering why he didn't mention the trillions of dollars of debt he and his party has incurred in just over 2 years? Those are inconvenient facts I guess. Just to remind those of you who forgot, the last Bush yearly deficit was just over 462 billion dollars. Not good, but compared to the current 1.6 trillion dollar deficit, it looks much better.
He is almost done and still hasn't mentioned how the 787 billion dollar stimulus package didn't work or how much of that allocated money is still unspent. No mention of the billions being spent on the War in Libya either. Just like a good commie Soviet Leader of old he is telling us how wonderful we are and how great our system is while he continues to apologize for us around the world and continues on a path of destroying our way of life.
By asking for more taxes to solve the spending problem and the huge debt, he is throwing in the towel and coming as close as I think he is capable of to admitting defeat. He looks more incompetent today than he ever has. Unfortunatley for him we do have freedom and the lamestream media is not our only source of information so his lies cannot be hidden. This President has spent more in two years than any other, period. We cannot recover until that spending stops. It doesn't sound like he is going to. If he wins another 4 years, God help us all!