Well it looks like the Federal Government is probably going to shut down Friday because the Democrats and Republicans cannot agree on how much to cut the deficits this year. It sounds like politics as usual until you look a little deeper into the issues. Democrats are almost shrill in their characterization of the proposed Republican cuts as "extreme" and sure to be "deadly" to children and old people. Mainstream Republicans like Boehner and, I am sad to admit, Scott Brown are trying to "compromise" and settle for cuts that are less drastic and which will have a better chance of passing. So what are the numbers being talked about? Well for starters the Republicans wanted to cut 100 Billion off of this year's budget. Dems countered with spending increases. At this time they are about 7 Billion dollars apart at Dems 30 Billion and Republicans 37 Billion. Are they kidding? Really? Folks, the deficit this year alone is 1.6 Trillion Dollars! Does anyone know what those numbers mean?
I called into Jordan's show yesterday and explained it like this. If the debt was actually $160.00 the amounts the politicians are fighting over would be $3.00 and $3.70 respectively! I'm not kidding. When the Dems were calling the 100 Billion dollar cut off the 1.6 Trillion dollar deficit extreme, they were in effect talking about $10.00 off of $160.00. Is that extreme? Is that going to cause old people and children to die? Not hardly.
So where is the lamestream media in all this? Why can't we have some honesty in the reporting of this? Until people wake up to the facts of this stuff nothing is ever going to get better. If we can't get the two sides to save even $10.00 off of $160.00 then there is no hope of ever getting our country back. Now there are going to Social Security recipients who won't get their checks because the Democrats refuse to cut any amount from their drunkin spending spree over the past two years. Oh yeah, plenty of liberals will scream it's the Republicans fault but who are they kidding. The numbers don't lie! Just remember what the amounts are they are talking about really mean and you will see clearly who is at fault. No amount of hype and fear mongering will change that fact.