I am one of the many conservatives living deep in the heart of Liberal Massachusetts. We are out numbered and surrounded, yet we fight on to once again bring the values this country was built on back to where it all began. This blog is proof there are opposite views here. We won't back down and we wont give up the good fight!
Friday, November 11, 2016
Congratulations to Kate Campanale
Lost in all of the news about the upset Trump election, a local woman, Kate Campanale, won a reelection bid in the 17th Worcester District here in Massachusetts. Not only did she win, she beat her opponent, Moses Dixon, by 1300 votes! Compared with her narrow victory of 67 votes two years ago, this was a landslide. When she did win two years ago, Kate was the first Republican to represent any citizens of Worcester in decades. (Two thirds of the voters in this district live in Worcester proper.) It was no secret the Democrats were going to throw everything they could at taking the seat back. In the end they put forward a relatively unknown candidate in Dixon, who was not from the area and never able to really connect with the voters here. Kate's victory, led by a solid record of helping people in the district as soon as she took over, helped cement the idea that a Republican candidate is going to be present in the city of Worcester for the foreseeable future. I can only imagine the shock waves that sends into the Democrat machine which rules most of Worcester. Much like Trump's victory, Kate's victory represents a change in voter attitudes and hopefully to a brighter future of all of us here in Massachusetts. Congratulations Ms. Campanale on your win and best of luck in your future endeavors as our representative here in Western Worcester.