4:00 P.M.
That is the biggest question to be answered by the vote tomorrow. If Donald Trump is right, there is a real movement behind him which will push him into office with a clear victory. If he is wrong, then Hillary Clinton will prevail in a much closer race. Trump has taken the biggest risk by coming from the private sector, where he reigned as one of the biggest moguls, and putting himself into the public square. There, he has been properly drawn and quartered by an unsympathetic media and his enemies. Much of it he brought on himself, but the evidence is mounting he was up against an unholy alliance between the media, the Obama White House and the Clinton Campaign. In fact, even a large group of Republicans denounced his candidacy, including the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan. Yet, in the face of all that scorn and anger, Donald Trump finds himself at the door of the White House. With the race as close as it seems to be, isn't that alone a huge accomplishment?
If Trump loses a close election tomorrow, the Dems are sure to pounce and say his run was a fluke and nothing in his message was worth listening to. They will paint him as a lout, a bigot, a racist and all kinds of horrible labels. They won't stop there. Their wrath will be put upon his supporters too. If you think Louis Lerner's targeting of Tea Party groups was bad, just wait for what a Clinton White house will do. We will be lucky if we have a single small business left standing in 4 years. There will be cries of we told you so, of a mandate for Clinton and a continual downplay of all the nasty illegal things which have come to light.
If Trump were to win tomorrow, I believe it will be in a landslide and a mandate will be clearly established. Dems will still claim he is not the rightful winner, but if it is by anything more than 4 points, they will be yelling into the wind.
Expert after expert is calling for the close Clinton win. When asked about the trends of polls going to Trump, most of them dismiss it as too little, to late. I disagree.
Unlike most of them, I have been watching the Trump Rallies for the past three weeks and one thing is clear; his draw is growing, not diminishing. Just yesterday he held 5 events across the country with an average attendance of 17,000 people. Those numbers do not include the thousands who were outside the venues, too late to get in or turned back by fire officials. Even his running mate, Mike Pence, has been drawing huge crowds in. These guys are doing it for the most part by themselves. How many of you know he was in Leesburg Virginia last night until around 1 A.M.? He had to do it because he had thousands of Virginian voters were willing to wait for him and he was smart enough not to let them down. If you happen to watch his events, they are crowded with people who cannot wait to vote for him. Chants of "Lock her up!" and "Drain the Swamp!" have become the norm everywhere he goes.
Clinton events, when she has them, are not the same. That is a fact not lost on her campaign either. That's why she has had to rely on the Obama's, her husband and now even celebrities to prop her up. Even that is not working folks. At an event last week at a fairgrounds in Florida, her running mate, Tim Kaine, only had 30 people show up. That is not a typo!
Could anything be more embarrassing or sad?
What my eyes are telling me is this. Just as in January 2010 with the Scott Brown Senate election, the regular folks are rising up right in front of us. I remember being at a rally for Scott at Mechanics Hall in Worcester two days before the special election. The hall was filled to capacity, every media outlet was there and the energy was incredible. I was lucky enough to be on stage and the view was amazing. Although there were some celebrities on stage with us, like Curt Schilling and Lenny Clark, it was Scott who brought the house down by coming on stage.
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View from the stage at Mechanics Hall, Worcester MA Jan 2010 |
I believe we are going to watch history unfold tomorrow as the folks who don't usually vote rise up and say enough is enough. Enough of the insider dealing, enough of socialism, enough of the apology tours, enough with the corruption and the list goes on. I believe that because I trust there are more brave Americans willing to make a real change than those who are too afraid to take a chance on an outsider. Hillary Clinton represents 30 years of scandals, failed policies, dead Americans, and wars. Isn't it enough yet? I believe it is and I think most Americans will agree tomorrow.