Tuesday November 1, 2010
Last Friday when news broke that the FBI was reopening the Clinton email case, the first reaction from her and her campaign was to say they weren't notified by anyone and they didn't know what all the fuss was about. As the information started to leak out Friday night and into Saturday about the emails in question and where they came from, the campaign disappeared. Then Sunday came and they came out swinging. The narrative they decided to use? Blame the cop, in this case FBI Director Comey, for violating longstanding practises and at the same time demand from him all of the information he was looking at. If any of you have children, you have seen this defense many times over. I remember as a young fourteen year old teenager, I decided to move my Aunt's brand new 1977 Camaro from behind my cousins car in the driveway. Problem was, it was a sports car and when I went to shift it, it jumped forward at about 20mph into the back of my cousin's car. My uncle took the blame but a few years later my grandmother confronted me with a question.
"Were you the one driving Debbie's car that day?" It wasn't my grandmother I was worried about. It was my father whom she might tell if I owned up.
So my first response was to ask her back, "Why, what have you been told?"
At that moment my grandmother knew I was guilty as heck and although she never did tell my father, she never let me forget it either. Every time I heard Hillary or one of her team asking those questions over the weekend, I was reminded of that moment long ago. Even if by some miracle the 650,000 new emails do not contain any incriminating evidence, it is clear she is worried, if by nothing else than her attack on Comey. Which leads us back to the deleted, bleached emails she never turned over. It's hard to imagine those were all about yoga and such, like she says, but one never knows. Let's just for a moment think, maybe there are some incriminating emails among those that were bleached off her server. I know, it's hard to imagine Hillary Clinton doing that, but play along just this once. Just think of how that might rattle her to learn that the FBI is now in possession of them. Add to that, her closest friend didn't go along with the program and obliterate all the evidence, which could mean she was going to use the information as leverage at some later date, or worse, maybe she was actually a spy.
Yesterday the Clinton team were able to coerce an admission by the FBI that there is a preliminary inquest into Trump former campaign manager Paul Manafort, , and two other unnamed Trump staffers concerning possible ties to the Russian Government. MSN NEWS This was clearly a Hail Mary pass since there is actual evidence from the wiki leaks that Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta, actually owned stock in the Russian company which bought 20% of our Uranium supplies through a deal arranged by the Clintons. So to use this attack shows desperation because they must know there will be blow back concerning that deal. After a few hours, it became clear that the message wouldn't stick anyway. Not in the face of such blatant corruption and the added sex scandal aspect of the whole mess.
Toda, they are attempting to bring up the Trump taxes again. It's almost laughable at the audacity of it all. I mean, does anyone really care about his taxes anymore? Then there is James Carville, who became apoplectic while talking to MSNBC when he started screaming it's Comey, It's the Russians and the KGB's fault that Clinton is in this mess, as if yelling loud will change the facts. Um, not quite James. If Hillary Clinton hadn't set up a private server to hide her criminal enterprise, there would have never been a story in the first place.
Click here to watch Carville's meltdown: Real Clear Politics-MSNBC Clip
This afternoon, Clinton said the emails belonged to a "staffer" and she welcomes the investigation into the staffer's emails. She then incredulously says she is sure they will come to the same conclusion as they did when looking into her emails. This is a sign of complete denial on her part considering this story is four days old and there are enough reports out there which clearly state there are emails from her server on the laptop. You know, the laptop turned in by Anthony Wiener, A.K.A. Carlos Danger (I can't help but put that in there every time I refer to him, it's just too good.), to the FBI as part of the case involving him sexting a minor. And the "staffer" referred to by Clinton? She is none other than Huma Abedin, her closest adviser and confidant for over 25 years. What a way to refer to her, wow. Of course Clinton is probably not buying Huma's excuse for why she had 650,000 emails on a laptop she forgot she owns anymore than the rest of us do. This proves once again, once the trust is gone, it's almost always fatal to a relationship, no matter how strong it appears. Kind of like the relationship Hillary Clinton thought she had with most of the voters this year.