Monday October 31, 2016
Happy Halloween everyone. TRICK or TREAT
If you are a Clinton Supporter or you just hate the idea of a President Trump, you are probably feeling very tricked this Halloween. My guess is, deep down, you wish someone had been able to talk Joe Biden into running. Alas, that is not the case and you're stuck with arguably the most corrupt politician to ever run for office in our country. For her part, Clinton is stuck with a girl named Huma. She created her, she made her powerful, and she helped enrich her beyond belief. But now that closest aid and confidant is the one who holds the whole Clinton World in her hands. Huma Abedin probably saw the writing on the wall a couple of years ago. Why else would she hold onto over 650,000 emails from her life with Clinton, if not to use them as a get out of jail free card with the FBI? It's the only thing that makes sense in this sordid tale.
Some other things are becoming clearer too. During her time as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton had Huma Abedin as an aid, which is a full time State Department job. At the same time she also employed her, full time, at the Clinton Foundation. On top of those jobs, she was also employed as a consultant for a company named Teneo. If you don't know that name, they were caught on tape by Veritas talking about creating violence at Trump Rallies and schemes for committing voter fraud. So three full time jobs, at the same time. How is that possible? It's not. I wonder if Hillary wishes she had played Monopoly with Huma at least once? Maybe she would have seen how good she was at grabbing the get out of jail free cards. Like Ceasar, Hillary trusted her own Brutus too much.
Think about this too. 650,000 emails on one computer owned by a person who held three full time jobs at the same time. Those emails probably represent all the goods the FBI needs to prosecute the Clinton crime family under the RICO statute covering organized crime. Wiki Leaks is making clear there was a lot of influence peddling going on. The defenders keep saying there is no smoking gun but at some point the evidence leaves no other reasonable conclusion. That's key too. In court, you can be convicted by inference. If an average person can believe the crimes have been committed, they can convict. What are some pieces of evidence which would lead to that? Well for one, the King of Morrocco paid 12 million to the Clinton Foundation while at the same time expecting Hillary Clinton to attend an event and give a speech as a possible Presidential Candidate.The biggest piece though is the personal wealth of the Clintons. How do politicians, who claim to have been broke when they left the White House 15 years ago, become worth over 250 million dollars without some sort of corruption going on. They can't and everyone knows it! A close Bill Clinton aid, Doug Brand, even gave an insight into how that happened in a silver leaked "email". He actually brags about the ways he made Bill Clinton rich by shaking down Clinton Foundation donors for paid speeches. Whether you agree with it or not, it is illegal to engage in those types of practices. Don't worry though, there is a day of reckoning coming. Hopefully it will be next Tuesday but even if she wins, Clinton is in a world of trouble, and not just for her emails.
Saturday night, on CNN, in an incredible exchange which shocked the host, an ex FBI agent,Tom Fuentes, unabashedly and firmly declared that there is an ongoing, open investigation into the Clinton Foundation. The host was incredulous and tried to get him to back off that assertion but he doubled down instead. She then asks him why that is relevant to the conversation at hand. (If there was ever evidence of media bias, that question was it.) Fuentes then says what the rest of us already could guess. Since Abedin worked for the foundation while at the same time at the State Department, it would make sense that out of 650,000 emails, it is very likely there are some which could pertain to the foundation investigation also. Wow. So this one computer might have evidence is a sexting case, a pay for play case and a mishandling of classified information case. What a lucky break for the FBI and our country.
It is important to remember, Abedin told the FBI she had turned over all devices containing emails and that she never deletes any. Either she is very stupid for not knowing this laptop had them (650,000 emails), or she was holding them as leverage against the Clintons in case they ever moved against her. After all, there is a history of people surrounding Bill and Hillary Clinton scandals committing "suicide." If that is the case, imagine how devastated she was to find out her husband had turned the laptop over because he is suspected of sexting with a minor. I can only imagine how that conversation went.
"Um, Danger (Wiener's alias online was Carlos Danger), do you happen to still have that laptop I gave you?"
"Ah, no Huma, I gave it to the FBI, why?"
Can't you just imagine what her face looked like when she realized her chip was gone? Maybe that's why she is not with Clinton on the trail. So many accidents could happen.
Seriously though, these developments really do throw fuel onto the fire that was already this election. It raises a simple question for those inclined to vote for Clinton. Can you really still vote for her in good conscience knowing she will bring this cloud of scandal with her into the oval office? No matter your hatred for Trump, he does not have even a fraction of the problems she has. Think about it. If she wins, the evidence is mounting she will face an indictment and will probably face impeachment if she is. And forget about her accomplishing anything. Is your hatred of Trump that high that you would put our country through that? He is flawed, no arguing that. But it is more and more clear she is a criminal and greedy. Even her closest aid realized that. No wonder she collected her get out of jail free card and never it go!