Wednesday October 26th, 2016
If you live in the 17th Worcester District like I do, then you should know there is a very lively race for State Representative going on. The incumbent, Kate Campanale, is the first Republican to represent this district in decades. When she won two years ago, it was a tremendous shock to the McGovern led Democrat machine in Central MA and at the statehouse in Boston. Enter Moses Dixon, a transplanted southern man who now resides in the Main South area of Worcester. For those not familiar, it is one of the few blighted areas in our city and has been under Democrat control for longer than I have been alive. Moses, who attended Clark University in Worcester and Howard University is originally from Hartsville, South Carolina. He has been an aid to State Rep Mary Keef, herself an extreme liberal Democrat, and even eyed a run for congress while living in South Carolina. Now the Democrat Machine in Worcester will deny it publicly, but they are still seething that Ms. Campanale won this district.
Since she won by a very narrow margin, they are already licking their chops at winning the seat back. And Mr. Dixon is the perfect Democrat. He has been fully indoctrinated by the Liberal Academia crowd at Clark and Howard into believing more government is the answer to all of society's problems. As an aid to one of the most liberal State Reps, in one of the most Liberal states in the Union, he has been an honor student of how to be a political hack. He is even associated with a shady non profit in Worcester, CENTRO. Unfortunately for him, they are embroiled in a controversy involving their funds so he cannot tout that too much. MASS LIVE ON CENTRO He won a decisive primary battle in September over another hack, Doug Belanger of Leicester, MA and his political future was looking up. Everything was in place for the Dems. They had an articulate, young, minority candidate to put up against an accomplished, young, incumbent, female Republican State Rep. Then this happened.
On October 12, 2016, Turtleboy Sports, (The best thing to ever happen to media around here!) reported on a story which had been conveniently under reported previously. Moses Dixon had been arrested and charged with Domestic Assault and Battery in 2012. Turtleboy Sports Article on This
So here we have a politically connected Democrat groomed liberal hack, endorsed by the Democrat Massachusetts Attorney General, Maura Healy, and supported by the Democrat Worcester County District Attorney, having been ARRESTED for a domestic assault and battery. The hypocrisy of having this man run for this seat, touting his support for victims of this crime, is unbelievable. I'm sure the Dems were hoping and praying the story would not come out, but Turtleboy Sports has opened a whole new avenue for their backroom deals and misdeeds to be exposed.
No matter how much the system tries to deny the facts of this case, there is an affidavit and an arrest took place. Mr. Dixon claims that since the victim recanted, then the crime never happened.
When I first read that garbage response from him, my head almost exploded. Then I remembered, Mr. Dixon is not from around here. You see, as an ex-law enforcement officer I know that in Massachusetts, whether a victim presses charges or not is not the criteria for an arrest. It is at the sole discretion of the responding police officers. In order for them to make the arrest, they have to be able to articulate that there was probable cause for the arrest, backed up by physical evidence. In this case the victim visibly upset, and the red marks around her neck, pretty much backed up her claim at the time that she was choked. To further give credence to the claim, a Judge at a later hearing found there was sufficient reason to grant the victim a restraining order against Mr. Dixon.
Now we come to the election. So many Democrats are running around saying Trump is unqualified because he has been "accused" of taking certain liberties with women against their will. No police reports or court records exist of any of those incidents, yet the Dems are screaming he is unfit to run for office. Well, I ask this of the Democrats voting in the 17th Worcester District for State Representative. If you truly believe Trump is unfit because of those allegations, how can you possibly defend and vote for Mr. Dixon given that he was actually arrested?