Tuesday October 25th, 2016
6:12 PM
As the presidential election nears the finish line several stories are heating up at the same time. The latest? According to a report from FOX News and fresh emails from Wiki Leaks, President Obama lied to CBS news on March 7th, 2015 when he said he learned about Clinton's private server from news reports like the rest of us did. The problem with that statement? It was patently untrue. No ambiguity; no wiggle room; no denying his guilt. It is clear from the leaked information, there were many emails between Clinton and Obama during her time as Secretary of State. So many in fact, her aides and the White House discussed whether to hold those emails back from the subpoena issued by the Benghazi Committee by invoking executive privilege. If that was indeed done, it would indicate an abuse of Presidential power not seen since Watergate. It's easy to forget in the middle of all these stories, but we must remember, the existence of the server was a crime in and of itself. FBI Director Comey never once stated Clinton had not committed a crime. He just said it was not something most prosecutors would seek an indictment on. There is plenty of debate on that assertion among the legal community. As recently as October 12th, FOX NewsPolitics was reporting on FBI sources who were furious with Comey's decision and who expressed their own opinions about the matter. It was probably some of them who leaked the information about the McAuliffe payoff I wrote about yesterday. Clinton Scandals Multiply; Let's not forget about 4 star General Cartwright going to jail last week, or the young submarine sailor who took a one year plea bargain deal for offenses which were much less serious.
So why did Comey capitulate and not recommend an indictment? Could it have had nothing to do with Clinton at all, but rather a desire to protect the President? After all, it's not hard to surmise Clinton would not have hesitated to have called Obama as her first defense witness if she had been charged. Judge Napolitano said much the same thing on the Sean Hannity show last night. These are just a couple of questions this whole mess creates and it is clear from the leaked emails, operatives behind the scenes in both the Clinton Campaign and the Obama White House were apoplectic about this situation. All of this adds up to corruption never seen before in our country. Even Bob Woodward, one of the reporters who broke the Watergate scandal said as much this week.
With a little over three months until Obama is gone, the odds of him being investigated properly, let alone impeached, are less than that of the Sun not rising tomorrow. All he has to do is wait out the clock. Clinton is in a much more precarious position. She better hope the Dems win the House, Senate and Presidency. Otherwise there will be so many investigations going on, she'll be lucky to have time to walk from one side of the White House to the other without having to answer subpoenas. If Trump loses, his supporters will demand nothing less from their Representatives, and there are enough of them now to wield a heavy hand among the Republicans that are left. All of this, coupled with the Obamacare disaster playing out, is a true gift to the Trump Campaign and could help propel him into office. For political junkies like us, it's time to get the popcorn and enjoy the show that is about to unfold.