Friday October 28th, 2016
When FBI Director Comey decided on July 5th not to recommend any criminal charges against Hillary Rodman Clinton for her private serve ruse and subsequent mishandling of classified material, a huge bruise was put on our belief all of us are equal under the law. It literally shook our country to the core and even if you didn't know it, you still felt it. Since that day a large cloud has been hanging over our heads and a nagging question left unanswered; Is Hillary Clinton really above the law? Forget the politics for a moment if you can. As Director Comey laid it out that day, she did have a private server. There was classified information on it and she was extremely careless and reckless in her handling of it. Most of us who were in the military or law enforcement know that what he said was plain and simple. She violated the laws we set up to protect our country's secrets from ending up in the wrong hands. There is just no arguing that fact. No matter how much her supporters tried to spin it, they could not ever say she did nothing wrong. And neither did Comey. He just suggested a prosecutor would not take the case. Many of us believe he overstepped his authority when he said that, but it did not take away the fact she had violated laws. A subsequent hearing confirmed that when he was asked about discrepancies between Clinton's denials and the facts of the case.
Since that hot day in July, there have been two public cases involving the same crimes in which two other citizens, Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier and ex Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, have both pleaded guilty in two separate incidents and are both facing prison time. Their crimes, when compared to the voluminous amount of Clinton misdeeds, are not even worthy of being in the same conversations.
During this same time, revelation after revelation have come out about Hillary Clinton's private email server, deleted emails, corruption of the worst kind at her foundation, and strong indications she and her husband, Ex-President Bill Clinton, may have sold access to her when she was Secretary of State. Add to this the growing list of people surrounding these events pleading the 5th, being granted immunity or found to have been paying large amounts of money to principals connected to the investigation itself and it is impossible for clear thinking folks to believe there is nothing to see here anymore. Many of us were also wondering where the good patriotic civil servants were in all of this. Recently there were glimmers of hope as some news reports started to talk about FBI agents and Federal Prosecutors who were upset at the lack of prosecution on any of this. Apparently it became clear to the FBI Director he could no longer ignore the weight of the evidence either.
Today, in an incredibly curt and simple letter to the Republican leaders of Congress, Director Comey laid down the full weight of the FBI back onto Hillary Rodman Clinton's shoulders. Make no mistake, this was a huge event which even the mainstream media could not ignore. Unbelievable as it may seem, it was the case of a perverted ex-congressman, Anthony Wiener, who is himself under investigation for sending inappropriate texts to a minor, which may have led to the final take down of the Clinton crime family. As reported by several media outlets today, thousands of emails from Hillary's private server were found on a laptop and or phones belonging to longtime Clinton aid Huma Abedin. Director Comey's letter, which makes reference to new emails pertinent to their original investigation, may mean the devices confiscated have some of the emails originally thought to have been destroyed by Clinton. If your head is spinning right now, I don't blame you. The more we learn, the more we must come to the realization that the Clinton's, like all mobsters, are really not very smart in the execution of their criminal activity. And the size of the web they created to make money by all means is beyond imagination. Nixon is surely spinning in his grave at the injustice of it all. Given all we know, how can we possibly elect a person of this caliber to the highest office in the free world!
That is the most important question of all. It is my hope most of you will come to the logical, patriotic conclusion; we cannot put this crime family in charge again. You may not believe Trump is the best answer, but compared to her and her minions, I hope you will agree he is the only answer at this time.