Monday October 24, 2016
At a rally in
Manchester, NH today Hillary Clinton continued her attack on the
fitness of Donald Trump to be President. For once it looked like a
decent crowd, but as with all things Democrat these days, one has to
wonder how many in the crowd were paid to be there, or bused up from
the friendlier land of Massachusetts. Rallies were held in other
locations too by Tim Caine, and the Obama's. One of the biggest rallying cries from them
to their supporters is to get out and vote early. Given the breaking
news today, that is probably a very wise tactic.
First thing
this morning there were thousands of more Wiki Leaks emails disclosed
from John Podesta's email. Almost all of these show a campaign going
through the usual trials and tribulations but there were some more
interesting tidbits. For example, we learned today that the Miss
Universe scandal was months in the making and her accusations were not
randomly made. While it is not Earth shattering, it does add to the impression that the Clinton Campaign is nothing but a dirty tricks machine.
The second thing we learned today was that
almost $700,000 was donated to the Virginia "State Senate" campaign of
Dr. Jill Mcabe by Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe's Super Pac and the Virginia
State Democratic Party. It turns out she is the wife of one of the lead
FBI agents looking into the Clinton private server scandal. When you add
the fact McAuliffe himself is under FBI scrutiny for possible illegal
acts the smell of corruption gets almost unbearable. The Obama
Administration is indirectly being tied to this since Loretta Lynch and
Director Comey are his appointees. This story is actually being covered
by CBS News on the front page of its website. Given the obvious bias in
favor of the Clinton campaign by CBS in this election, this does not
bode well those involved whether Clinton wins or not. CBS News
Speaking of dirty tricks, yet a third scandal emerged today which was broken by Project Veritas. They released a video in which Democrat operatives are seen and heard describing ways to harass Trump at his rallies. On the surface, it is quite funny, since it involves people wearing Duck costumes and going to Trump gatherings to cause trouble. Robert Creamer, who was fired by the DNC (Democrat National Committee) last week due to earlier scandal revelations including causing riots in Chicago and schemes to commit voter fraud, is on tape saying Hillary Clinton herself ordered the Duck Costume harassment using DNC resources, which, if true, would be a violation of Federal election laws. The DNC, we learn from other operatives on tape, at the direction of Donna Brazile, moved the duck operation over to a non-profit, in order to avoid a direct conflict with ABC Disney, which owns the rights to any Donald Duck character.
All of these actions, if proven to be true, would violate several Federal laws enacted after Watergate to prevent collusion between campaigns, committee's and non-profits. It should also be noted Creamer, a convicted felon, has been to the Obama White House 342 times and he met directly with the President 47 times according to several media reports which leads to the question; How much did the President know about these actions headed up by Creamer, Clinton and the DNC. Click here to watch the videos: Project Veritas
Finally, this evening we learned from the Obama Administration that Obamacare premiums in 39 states are going up by double digits this year. Notices are being sent out and these increases take effect on November 1. There is no way this is good news for the Clinton Campaign.
Polls are tightening, people are paying attention and even the mainstream media is starting to cover these stories, reluctantly to be sure, but they are almost being forced to at this point. With more days like this ahead, the Clinton dream may actually become her nightmare. Let's hope for our country's sake it becomes reality. She could always retire to her friend's homes in Morocco or Saudi Arabia.